Spells (Legacy)




1. Armor Reduction Ammo
Armor ammo

Command: !arm
Mana Cost: 40
Cooldown: 0.5 sec
Cast Type: Tower

Adds 15 Armor Reduction ammo to target tower.

Fires up to 3 projectiles which damage and remove armor from the targets. Base damage is 10. Damage scales with players in game and average player level.

Ammo allows a tower to automatically attack nearby enemies, whether or not a unit is inside.

2. Elemental Ammo
elemental ammo

Command: !eam
Mana Cost: 40
Cooldown: 0.5 sec
Cast Type: Tower

Adds 15 Elemental ammo to target tower.

Deals 48 base damage and an equal amount over 12 seconds. Also prevents enemies from hiding while poisoned. Damage scales with players in game and average player level.

Ammo allows a tower to automatically attack nearby enemies, whether or not a unit is inside.

3. Magi Order Ammo
magi order ammo

Command: !mam
Mana Cost: 40
Cooldown: 0.5 sec
Cast Type: Tower

Adds 15 Magi Order ammo to target tower.

Deals 50 base damage and half that amount to all enemies within 2.5 meters. Damage scales with players in game and average player level.

Ammo allows a tower to automatically attack nearby enemies, whether or not a unit is inside.

4. Templar Ammo
templar ammo

Command: !tam
Mana Cost: 40
Cooldown: 0.5 sec
Cast Type: Tower

Adds 15 Templar ammo to target tower.

Deals 92 base damage. Damage scales with players in game and average player level.

Ammo allows a tower to automatically attack nearby enemies, whether or not a unit is inside.

5. Wolfclan Ammo
wolfclan ammo

Command: !wam
Mana Cost: 40
Cooldown: 0.5 sec
Cast Type: Tower

Adds 15 Wolfclan ammo to target tower.

Fires up to 3 projectiles which damage and slow the targets. Deals 36 base damage. Damage scales with players in game and average player level.

Ammo allows a tower to automatically attack nearby enemies, whether or not a unit is inside.

6. Blitz

Command: !blt
Mana Cost: 40
Cooldown: 0.5 sec
Cast Type: Instant

Adds one Blitz Kill, advancing the challenge wave tracker (does not grant power)

7. Death Strike
death strike

Command: !dth
Mana Cost: 30
Cooldown: 30 sec
Cast Type: Instant

Kills a random non-boss enemy

This effect is multiplied by the number of open paths.

8. Supply Drop
supply drop

Command: !sup
Mana Cost: 20
Cooldown: 2 waves
Cast Type: Instant

Drops 1 Supply. Supply heals the barracks for 10% or, if the barracks is at max health, brings the barracks one step closer to the next level up.

9. XP Potion
xp potion drop

Command: !xpp
Mana Cost: 50
Cooldown: 30 seconds
Cast Type: Instant

Drops 1 XP Potion. Granting 75 experience to all players.

10. Freeze Time
freeze time

Command: !frz
Mana Cost: 25
Cooldown: 12 seconds
Cast Type: Instant

Stop all enemy movement for 6 seconds

11. Haste
haste icon

Command: !hst
Mana Cost: 40
Cooldown: 120 seconds
Cast Type: Instant

Increases attack speed of all players by 50% for 45 seconds

12. Level Up
level up

Command: !lvl
Mana Cost: 400
Cooldown: 20 waves
Cast Type: Instant

Grants 1 level to every player in the game.

13. Luck

Command: !lck
Mana Cost: 40
Cooldown: 4 waves
Cast Type: Instant

Increases the chance of a power potion dropping each wave by 5% for the rest of the game.

Casting this spell multiple times will stack the effect.

14. Mass Mastery

Command: !mss
Mana Cost: 60
Cooldown: 180 sec
Cast Type: Instant

Increases the mastery of all players by 1200 for 45 seconds.

Casting this spell multiple times will stack the effect.

15. Power Rune
power rune

Command: !pwr
Mana Cost: 50
Cooldown: 1 sec
Cast Type: Tower

Adds 2 power runes to a tower, granting all players inside 24 power over 2 waves.

Casting this spell multiple times will stack the effect.

16. Rapid Fire
rapid rune

Command: !rpd
Mana Cost: 25
Cooldown: 30 sec
Cast Type: Tower

Add one rapid rune to a tower, which grants all players inside 20 extra attacks.

Cannot cast on a tower which already has two different types of runes, or the max number of rapid runes.

17. XP Rune
xp rune

Command: !xpr
Mana Cost: 50
Cooldown: 1 sec
Cast Type: Tower

Adds 2 xp runes to a tower, which grants all players inside 350 experience over 2 waves.

Cannot cast on a tower which already has two different types of runes, or the max number of xp runes.

18. Power Tome
Power Tome

Command: !pwt
Mana Cost: 50
Cooldown: 1 sec
Cast Type: Instant

Adds 2 power tomes to the barracks, granting 16 power to players in the barracks over 20 seconds

Casting this spell multiple times will increase the duration.

19. Training Tome
xp tome

Command: !trn
Mana Cost: 50
Cooldown: 1 sec
Cast Type: Instant

Adds 2 training tomes to the barracks, increasing experience gained by players in the barracks by 200% for 20 seconds

Casting this spell multiple times will increase the duration.