June 1 Balance Update

The towers’ cannonballs damage has been increased, as shown in this table:

Round Old Damage Mult New Damage Mult
1 140% 150%
2 130% 150%
3 120% 150%
4 110% 140%
5 100% 130%
6 90% 120%
7 80% 110%
8 70% 100%
9 70% 90%
10+ 70% 85%

If that table is confusing, here’s a list showing the increase in damage by round, compared to the previous version:

  • Round 1: +7%
  • Round 2: +15%
  • Round 3: +25%
  • Round 4: +27%
  • Round 5: +30%
  • Round 6: +33%
  • Round 7: +37.5%
  • Round 8: +43%
  • Round 9: +28.5%
  • Round 10+: +21.5%


The difficulty of Dune Gauntlet has been increased by 20% (If this turns out to be too high an increase, I’ll scale it back down)

The Wisdom Altar on Double Trouble now grants 15 levels (down from 20). The difficulty has been reduced by 17%

The difficulty of Frozen Steppes has been decreased by 9%


The turret from the Highpriest spell “Armor Turret” now has an attack period of 0.85 sec (up from 0.5 sec). I want to make sure the spell doesn’t replace the need for rogues.


Pyromancers now deal double damage to their primary target. This might be too big a buff, but I want to try it out.


Undead Archer

  • Attack period increased from 1.5sec to 1.75sec
  • Attack speed is now increased by 1% per Alchemist rank (up from 0.7%)
  • Range increased from 8m to 9m
  • Each archer rank now increases range by 0.5% (down from 1%) for a range of 11.25m at archer rank 50 (down from 12m)
  • Enemies are now poisoned for 6sec (down from 5sec)
  • Firemage ranks no longer increase poison duration (or give any bonus)
  • UA no longer requires Firemage ranks
  • Each point of mastery now grants 0.125% increased poison duration  (for 9 seconds at 400 mastery)
  • Each point of mastery now increases skeleton damage by 0.25% (down from 0.3%)
  • While powered, the UA now deals 100% increased damage and attacks 100% faster (instead of only attacking 200% faster). Power is also spent slightly faster.
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