Category: Change Log
October Experimental Update
I had some ideas running around in my head, and I want to try them out. This is an experimental update. As such, I’m not at all attached to these changes. If they don’t work, they don’t work, but I’m excited to see how they affect the game. As with most updates, I ask that…
Difficulty Update
Since you guys have now beaten every map on Tier 12 difficulty, I’ve added 8 more difficulty levels. The highest difficulty is now 20. Also, players can now only bring in a 3rd character if there are less than 5 players in the game (down from 7)
Arcanist: New Firemage Spec
Today I added a new spec (replacing the Bombermage): The Arcanist. The Bombermage’s bomb will be returning as a “Talent” option (Talents will be another way to customize each of your classes – in addition to their spec – I’ll have a post about it once it’s more fleshed out. For now, you can see…
Experimental Leveling Update
One of my goals with the current update-in-development is to simplify the game for new players. This mini-patch aims to answer the question, “Do characters need to gain range and attack speed as they level?” As I thought about it, I realized I didn’t have a good reason to increase range and attack speed with…
The Death of Endless Mode: Chapter 2
Today I released the next chapter in the progressive update I’ve been working on for the past month. I’m releasing this update in the smallest – and least polished – chunks possible, in order to get your feedback as early as I can in the development process. As such, please expect each update (including this…
Temporary Update (August 21, 2018)
As many of you know, I’m planning a large update which will likely be complete in about a month. However, there are some issues with the current build which I wanted to address, and an experimental change I wanted to try out. As such, I bring you this small, mostly temporary update: Players can now…
One More Step Towards the Update
I’m continuing to drip-release the upcoming patch with a mini-update today: One Unit (Character) Per Round You may now only bring one unit into the game each round The biggest advantage of this change: The units per player will never decrease, and therefore you’ll never have your extra units kicked from the game. No Late…
A Step in the Right Direction… Hopefully
I’m planning another big update to Endless mode and how multi-character play works. If you’d like to read about it and provide feedback, I’d love to hear it: In the meantime, I’d like to start dripping in some of the balance changes I feel confident about (or at least confident with the direction). As such,…
Multi-Character Update!
DISCLAIMER: I realize this update is messy and not always super fun right now. Please know that I’m also unhappy with it. I’m giving you this update before doing any testing, and therefore it’s unbalanced and doesn’t always feel great. Trust that I will continue to take your feedback and improve it slowly but surely.…
Commander Nerf 🙁
As much as I enjoy watching the commander cause chaos, if I’m being honest I know he’s probably broken. As such, I’m giving him a nerf, while trying to retain what makes him awesome. I believe he will still remain one of the strongest specs in the game (if not the strongest) Commander’s bonus attack…