Category: Change Log

  • Rapid Rune Rework (and some side effects)

    I’ve reworked Rapid Rune slightly. It scaled too heavily with Damage Runes, such that it never makes sense to take one perk without the other. Rapid Rune now grants 20 extra attacks (up from 12) The Perk, Rapid Rune Drop now brings that to 25 extra attacks (up from 18) The extra attacks from Rapid…

  • Experiment: Hard Mode

    Hard mode is an experimental change which I’d like to test out. It’s a crude change to the game which won’t withstand scrutiny, but it should give us some idea of whether or not a polished version could work. The issue: Games are too easy. Games 1-4 are mindless and almost never lost. Reaching wave…

  • November 7th Balance Update

    Bowman damage has been reduced from 110 (piercing) & 120 (falcon) to 100 Bowman – Falcon‘s Falcon now does 120% weapon damage (up from 100%), leaving absolute damage the same. Sniper damage has been reduced from 240 to 215 Sniper – Weaken now weakens his target for 150% weapon damage (up from 125%) Gunner damage has been…

  • Perk Balancing

    I have a handful of small changes I’d like to make to the Perk Tree over the next few weeks. I’ll past those changes here, in chronological order. AUGUST 22: I’ve changed how boss loot is awarded. Damage runes are now cleared as soon as the boss dies (or all bosses, on multi-lane maps) Previously…

  • Small Class Balance Update

    Arcanist attack speed has been reduced by 7% Applies to all talents The Sniper talent Vulture no longer grants “ignore armor” The Bowman talent Piercing now grants “ignore armor” Lightning mage base damage has been increased from 160 to 190 The Undead archer talent Raise had the damage of their Skeleton Summon increased from 250 to 400 The…

  • August 13th: Why is the game down?!

    Hey guys! Unfortunately, I had to bring the game down 2 days ago. My database started throwing this error: MySqlException: Host ‘’ is blocked because of many connection errors; unblock with ‘mysqladmin flush-hosts’ *The is actually my IP, but I decided not to include that part. I posted the error there just in case…

  • February 26th Balance Update

    Along with the latest update came some major game imbalances. This patch is an attempt to fix some of those, but the journey towards balance is never-ending. Expect many more balance updates in the coming weeks. Minstrel + Power Usage Up until now, the math was such that you got a disproportionate benefit from spending…

  • Oops. Progression Scale-Back and Explanation

    Last night, a group of players was able to reach wave 149 on Tier 5, unlocking a level 94 crate and a 101-slot medal pack. They were able to do this due to an oversight on my part: Lava Golem damage scaled with ENEMY level, instead of PLAYER level. This was fine when games ended…

  • Big Progression Update (Feb 2019)

    Big Progression Update (Feb 2019)

    I just put out a large progression update. This is moving the game further in the rogue-like direction, which I’m very excited about. Once this framework is in a good place, I can focus my time on creating content. Please try to break the game and tell me about it in the forums!. Progression Runs…

  • Experimental Update (and what’s to come)

    Hello all! I apologize for the sporadic blog posts. Family/work consumed most of my December & January, but I’m back at development. I’m hoping to put in a good 60+ hours in February. I’m starting to realize that I work best in bursts. Occasional breaks let me salvage what’s remaining of my work and family…